Bridges & Heavy Civil Construction
Selective Demolition of Concrete and Metal Structures
Cutting Technologies (CTI) performs selective demolition with precision, speed and safety to support reconstruction, maintenance and decommissioning in:
- Bridges and Heavy Highway Construction
- Hydroelectric Dams, Locks, Docks and Marine Construction
- WWTP and Water Treatment Facilities.
Mass Concrete Removal with Precision and Speed
Massive concrete structures loaded with heavy steel embeds can pose a fierce challenge to heavy civil construction. Armed with our Specialty Equipment Arsenal™, CTI can cut, drill, break, rig and remove any type of concrete and metal structure with speed, accuracy and virtually no disturbance to the surrounding environment.
CTI’s Advanced Engineering Solutions™ can conquer your most complex and demanding projects. By focusing on cost-effective results, this program delivers the right plans, tools and manpower to achieve your selective demolition goals. Past challenges have included…
- Surgical removal of extremely large structures without harming nearby obstructions,
- Fast removal of structures that require underwater concrete cutting,
- Elimination of costly crane use through sophisticated cutting and rigging plans,
- Overcoming jobsite restrictions in extremely congested, occupied or environmentally sensitive locations.
Scope Completed On Time, Every Time
With the threat of cost overruns and liquidated damages constantly looming above, you can’t afford a subcontractor that falls behind – or worse: a sub that doesn’t finish at all. CTI’s relentless pursuit of operational excellence has resulted in two proprietary programs that safeguard this from ever happening on your job…
CTI’s Smooth Project Plan™ and FASTrack Process™ take job planning, task coordination and performance review to an all-new level. Together, their dual edge of efficiency and accountability assures a flawlessly performed operation and a completion date that is on or well ahead of schedule.
Save Life & Limb to Save Time & Money
Accidents increase cost while safety builds value. With this in mind, CTI has developed the Safety Matters™ program to protect all site staff and aggressively manage risk at your heavy civil jobsite. Combined with our attentive management oversight, it is the best way to ensure our safety-trained technicians achieve zero-accident performance on your project.
Featured Projects
FDR Drive, performed for Slattery Skanska Project of the Year — New York Construction News
CTI sectioned over 15,000 tons of elevated roadway into 12-ton blocks for fast removal. Work progressed over live traffic and was completed more than 10 days ahead of schedule.
Sikorsky Bridge, performed for Balfour Beatty
CTI diamond wire saw cut arched beams, pier caps and bases to remove approximately 600 tons of concrete bridge substructure without harming a nearby bridge or contaminating the river below.
Mactaquac Dam, performed for New Brunswick Power
CTI diamond wire saw cut slots 100 feet deep by 70 feet wide through dam to allow for concrete expansion. All work completed without cofferdams, expensive dive teams or interruption to dam operations.
Tallman Island WPCP, performed for Skanska
CTI wire sawed, rigged and removed over 250 tons of concrete in 5,000 lb blocks to enable the installation of a new pumping system as part of this sewage treatment facility’s revolutionary upgrading program.
Bridge, Viaduct and Overpass Structures
Having performed selective demolition on all types of spans, CTI’s project portfolio includes a variety of barrel arch bridge, barrel vault bridge, suspension bridge, rigid frame bridge and bascule bridge / draw bridge projects. With our expertise in cutting bridge substructure components (e.g. abutment, caisson, piling, column, pier cap, girder, orthotropic beam, spandrel beam, and box beam structures) and bridge superstructure components (e.g. counter weight, bridge deck, parapet, curb, and median structures), CTI can provide invaluable service on your next bridge demolition project.
Hydroelectric Dam, Lock and Dam Construction
Having served with distinction on many projects for the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), The Department of the Interior (DOI), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and numerous other state and local agencies, CTI has the expertise to help you repair, retrofit or demolish your spillway, penstock, turbine draft tube, intake and outfall structures, and foundations for your turbine, generator and other powerhouse heavy machinery. Additionally, the pioneering work CTI has done in expansion joint slot cutting can help relieve the stress caused by alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) at your hydroelectric facility.
Our concrete cutting skill has also been applied to a multitude of levee, dike, wing dam, dry dam, arch dam, gravity dam, diversion dam, arch-gravity dam, weir dam and low-head dam projects. CTI’s expertise can speed the repair of your floodgate, lift gate, miter gate, sluice gate, stop log slot, ogee crest, and fish passage structures (e.g. fish ladder, fish steps, fish pass, fish bypass, fish flume, fish run and fishway).
Marine, Wharf, Berth and Anchorage Facilities
Our unrivaled diamond wire sawing skill ensures CTI will perform underwater concrete cutting with speed and precision at your marine terminal, dock, pier, breasting dolphin, mooring dolphin, ship mooring, marina or slip. We can also provide valuable service for the demolition or reconstruction of your breakwater, bulkhead, jetty, seawall, pile / piling and cutoff wall.
Water and Sewage Treatment / Wastewater Treatment Plant / WWTP, WPCP
CTI’s saw cutting and drilling capabilities are ideal for controlled demolition on pump station and wastewater treatment plant projects. CTI offers precision cutting of concrete aqueduct, pipe, headwall, culvert, intake and outfall structures, and selective demolition of concrete and metal foundations for pumps, agitators and other heavy machinery. CTI can also support the decommissioning and alterations of each type of precast concrete chamber, basin and tank at your facility, including your clarifier, aerobic digester, biosolids storage tank, combined sewage overflow tank (CSO tank), equalization tank (EQ tank) aeration tank, membrane bioreactor (MBR), sequencing batch reactor, settlement tank, dewatering tank, sludge storage, and all types of effluent storage containers.
Paved Surfaces for Highway and Aviation Construction
CTI’s slab saws and ride-along curb cutting saws can provide fast, efficient sawing of asphalt, concrete, cobblestones and pavement on your highway, road, street and tollbooth / toll plaza renewal and reconstruction project, and our diamond core drilling know-how can quickly provide perfectly sized holes for recessed runway lighting on your airstrip, tarmac or landing strip.
Contact CTI today at 856-456-2255 to learn how we can help you with your heavy civil selective demolition project.

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