Chalk Point
Hand Sawing Repairs Fractured Concrete Rim When lightning strikes fractured both of the Chalk Point Generating Station’s cooling towers, Structural Preservation Systems (SPS) called in CTI to remove the unstable concrete. CTI’s technicians used gas chop saws to hand-cut and remove a one-foot-high, 6-inch-thick section from the rim of each tower. The spoils were cut into manageable pieces and removed in a timely, efficient manner without the need for expensive cranes or rigging. Working 400 feet above the ground on a narrow catwalk, CTI safely mobilized, performed all work and demobilized quickly without incident.
Chalk Point Generating Station
Heavy Industrial & Process Industries
Hand-Held Chop Sawing
NRG Energy

40 Years of Field-Proven Experience.
Pioneering Programs.
We Assure Your Success.